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Cristina Chang

I had been in Wild lotus restaurant in my journey to Hanoi in 2006 and 2007 and it had been nice experiences, the environment was relaxing and comfortable ,the food and staff was nice also. But last May 9 aprox, i had recommended the place to my company group and they comments about the food and service was really regretful, they said that the food was bad and even they serve pork instead of beef, what they didn't ask for. I wish there is an explanation from the restaurant to clearify what really happened there. best regards, Cristina


I went to this restaurant with a couple of friends in my recent trip to Hanoi in April 2009. The food, ambiance and service rival WolfGang Puck’s “Cut” steakhouse in Vegas. I guess that sums it up. Try it and you won’t regret…

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