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Sticky, Luv the site and I'm coming to Nha Trang in Sept. I'll look you up and you can show me some of the best nosh ports.


Snack Shack looks great...I could sure go for some shaved barramundi dressed with armando mani olive oil per me, fresh and salted plum puree, mango-miso and black salt


Sticky, IMO this may be your yummiest post yet!! Though I'm gonna have to take issue though with yr assertion of Vietnamese as gold-medal eaters. The proof's in the pudding (or in the girth) ... pc rate of overweight-ness in Vietnam versus in Malaysia? No contest! ;-)


o.0....no mam tom pls...cant stand the smell....

nice and i am now missing all the fun of cheap food in Vietnam

*wish i'm there syndrom*


Drifter - You won't find me in Nha Trang. It's only an annual excursion. We're up in Hanoi.

Elvis - you could do recitals for foodies in menu-speak!

Robyn - Thanks. I think that's the amazing thing about the Vietnamese...they eat truckloads but they remain as twigs.

foodcrazee - I'm with you on the stand alone mam tom but it's fine in soups.


i LOVE street food, and that banh dap looks absolutely yummy (i live in the States and don't have the opportunity to just stop in somewhere and have a taste...). i am jealous.

blooming tea girl

I've always wanted to try Vietnamese food. I saw on television, I think it's NatGeo, the process of making the crackered crepe made from rice, and it's fascinating how they do it. Not an ordinary delicacy, a bit hard to make, only Vietnamese can do it I guess.

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