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Nice blog! My husband think that you are filo but I doubt and from reading your blog, you MUST be a Viet! There are several of the best VIET restaurents like
"Summer & Spice" in Kapolei and the foods are so awesome with wonderful service! The owner have a gift for hospitality and he likes to come out of kitchen and talk with people about history of food whatever is on his special menu. Anywya, nice blog!


What a hoot!

Yes, I've seen the obligatory fruit and flower offerings, but cigarettes!

And yes - Viet Nam has a real public health problem with smoking - one of many.


Grrrreat, now you have me craving that 3 in 1 coffee shite.

Suburbia in the City

The tree defines what is an all nighter should be-a couple of cigars and soem instant coffee. Light the tree up and have a party.


Yvette - Thanks but we're both Aussies!

Yes, the coffee and fag tree is quite an image to behold. Preya - that instant crap will kill you.

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