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I had boiled peanuts in North Carolina (in the US) once. I'd have liked them MUCH better with beer.


I agree, boiled peanuts are delicious! A couple of years ago I was driving through Georgia on my way to Florida, and they were selling these at a little gas station. I bought a bag of course, I can't tell you how much I felt like I was in Vietnam again, driving through the lush countryside and munching on boiled peanuts:)


I had no idea boiled peanuts are snacked on in other parts of the world.


once again the photos are spectacular.

Working Gringa

Wow! Those are the most gorgeous photos of beer and peanuts that I've ever seen!!

Also, it's cool to find another blog by a couple. We are the Working Gringos (which works well when we need to refer to ourselves singularly...we can just be "gringa" or "gringo")

Nice blog...its making me hungry!


Thanks a bunch!g


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