Laos food is fiery. It can bring tears to your eyes, make you feel like your ears are bleeding and affect your cognitive ability. A little laneway market in Luang Prabang has a chili seller who arranges her produce into patches on a mat of banana leaves. It's incredibly effective merchandising but, as much as I don't mind a bit of heat on my plate, I'd prefer to buy my chilis by the handful rather than the kilo, wouldn't you?
Hey what kind of camera do you have? Your shots are always really good! Thanks! :)
Posted by: Viet ~ | 28 October 2006 at 09:06 AM
Yep, these little bird's eye chilies are 10 on the heat scale, so yeah, I would buy them by a handful or as needed rather than in bulk. Great marketing by the vendor! :)
Posted by: Rasa Malaysia | 29 October 2006 at 12:28 PM
Viet - Just a humble little Sony P93 which I still don't think I've really mastered.
Rasa - No doubt you've experienced a bit of chili in your time - that's if I know anything about Malaysian cuisine.
Posted by: Sticky | 29 October 2006 at 10:45 PM
First of all, not all Lao foods are HOT-AS-FIRE types. Surely, the hot stuff can burn your mouth and ears, but I don't think anybody is stupid enough to eat the chilly for a kilo.
You can ask the cook to make it less hot and not so spicy. So that it will not "affect your cognitive ability"... what a pitty that you don't know how to communicate with other human beings... or maybe you are not... who knows?
Posted by: A Lao Son | 01 November 2006 at 10:52 AM
Thanks for your comment, Laos Son. Sometimes I feel like I am not of this earth ;)
Posted by: Sticky | 03 November 2006 at 03:55 PM
Yea that picture shot of the chili is so clear i my dad still can see this without his glasses on.Absolutely I would buy that
chili by a hand full then by the kilo.We
Lao people are not that stupid to buy peppers by the kilo.We eat this thing everyday.Even when you see one hand full left of peppers in the fridge we still go to the store to buy other hand full and believe me we eat peppers we really eat it.
We use on many dishes and sometime it is not enough pepper to last a week.
Posted by: donnie | 27 February 2010 at 11:00 AM
stickyrice who cares if you master in taking picture or not as long as you know what you're taking and as long as anybody knows what they are looking at.ha ha ha funny.My mom just said she want that chili in her gang som hee hee.
Posted by: donnie | 27 February 2010 at 11:06 AM