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I must admit that Vietnamese food, particularly northern Vietnamese food never did it for me.

And as I settle into Nicaragua and get used to eating rice and beans three times a day I'm happy with my lot.

However..the one Vina food I do miss is pho. I could certainly go a bowl of it right now.

I'm guessing the catfish spring rolls at Highways 4, the burgers at R&R and the sausage and mash at Pukus don't really count as "local" food.


Could you please tell me: what are the fried items in the basket in the first picture? Thanks!


The rice and beans might wear a bit thin, too, after a while, OMIG.

Ellen - The fried items are called quay in VN with no literal translation in E. They are a kind of hollow bread-doughnut - not sweet, but when fresh, they are very satisfying dipped into pho. I love them.


F0rtunately quay can be found in Asian markets throughout the NYC area, being made fresh in Brooklyn and Queens.


This is one of my few favourite spot for Pho. It's close to my highschool that's why. :)

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