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Any chance of this book being available in the states at some point? It looks fantastic. There's a rumor that Anthony Bourdain has a book in the works chronicling the year he lived in Vietnam, and his experiences with food, etc. I'm always intrigued with this stuff.


Not sure Phil - I know the writers did a lot of press in Oz but don't know if the book is available in the US or not. Will try to find out.


Does the book or anybody out there have the recipe for white rose, one of the specialties of Hoi An?


Brilliant. Thanks for the heads up.

Culinary Careers

Really a great book on Vietnamese cuisine.

Thanks for posting.

vtzjx axcq

axgvnwej cqzupha zmlrpw glfdkh kfjtap dzbwtjqfi yisktje

Ramon Meijer

i bought the cook book of Friends International in Phnom Penh their restaurants are superb and perhaps the best in Indo China.

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