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the lacquer spoon

The soft and slithery texture of noodle is so attractive. Great comfort food!!


I love sticky rice! So simple but so good.


Wow, the price has really gone up since, I guess, 5 years ago.


Comfort food is right. It's my breakfast of choice. The price has been creeping up but still very affordable.

Jennifer Mccool

wow is pho ever cheap there. You wont' find and vietnamese places that sell it for less than seven dollars a bowl here.


you made me remember the taste of Ha Noi's pho last year. Actually, Pho in HCMc is not more delicious than in HN. I love it's taste, frog of the morning cool air in Tet's days. I ate a bowl of pho's soup, so interesting with the price at 40.000 VND. I wonder if I am an HCM ppl so the price is so expensive. And the truth was going on with other foods in HN: Goi kho bo (Nom): 40.000d/plate :( So expensive. In HCMc it only cost 10.000d


there is a Pho place for breakfast on Nguyen Du st which has really good Pho Ga. Another place I really love is on Ngo~ Cha^n Cam which is a small st on Ly Quoc Su.
Have you ever tried Bun Thang or My Van than? there is one GREAT one on Hang Dieu st at night!
Let me know if you ever go there and what you think ;)
PS: you really make me feel like paying the airfare to go home for food hahaha

Los Angeles

you made me remember the taste of Ha Noi's pho last year. Actually, Pho in HCMc

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