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Might have to buy this book, looks great. Just bought into the Vietnamese Kitchen - another great cookbook with very do-able recipes.


I have this book on pre-order...can't wait for it to arrive! Great review!


Flipped through the book Sat at Kitchen Arts in NYC (after seeing the galleys last year). It really is fabulous, that elusive combination of beautiful-to-look-at but with real meat (bad pun!) and substance. Bravo to the authors. Great, heartfelt review.


Travelbunny - I don't have Andrea's cookbook but did you know she has another one just published called 'Asian Tofu'?...if you're a tofu fan ;-)

Tweaked - you won't be disappointed.

Thanks Robyn...I enjoyed reading the book, playing with the food and writing the review.


Hi! I'm visiting Hanoi now and will be here for 2 weeks. Where could I find this book in town?


Lauren - It's available at the Hanoi Cooking Centre, Chau Long St


I might actually buy this book, even though it's a recipe book...
Does it have only Hanoi nosh or go all the way down South?


In my copy, the introductory chapters and the recipe instructions are all in an extrememly pale font. It's almost hard to read. Is your copy like this?

Vietnam Travel Guy

Nice review and love the pictures in the book as you say "captured the essence of the cuisine's physical place"


Very Nice! I love the way the book captures the place as well. Am sure I want to have a copy of my own. Have you been to Dubai? It's a great place for foodies too - not of the street food variety, but a melting pot of different kind of cuisines.

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