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Remember eating here in 2005. Great to see..

lara dunston

Lovely post! Your opening paragraphs are so beautifully written.

And I love kao soy in Luang Prabang - it's my favourite of any place. Saw the spot you mention but didn't have time to eat there. Are you still there? This was the one we loved - no sign, but easy to find. The broth was already a rich brown before she added the 'bolognese' - we made the same comparison. I want to go back: http://grantourismotravels.com/2012/02/06/the-best-lao-khao-soi-in-luang-prabang/ Enjoy!


Mmm... snake beans (which Vietnamese call "chopstick beans" instead)... Vietnamese don't ever eat them raw though, do they? Do the Burmese, Thai, and Laotians all eat them raw?


James - nice to see some things remaining the same, isn't it?

Lara - thanks - value your praise a lot. Will try your rec on our next trip there - as if I need a reason to go back!

Mai - yes, always cooked in Hanoi - not sure about ethnic minority groups though. I've had them raw in Laos, Burma and would assume Thailand (north?) would be the same.

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